yah, tiwas HD2nya udah dijual duluan, keren nih dualboot android sama WP

2013/9/23 Eko Prasetiyo <ekopraset...@gmail.com>

> *Sense 5 Appears on HD2, Device Still Alive and Kicking*
> http://feedly.com/k/19vgXUz
> To say that the HTC 
> HD2<http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=531> has
> survived the test of time would be a severe understatement. The device,
> which was first released *four* years ago should by all means already be
> in a museum. After all, judging by modern device longevity standards, our
> phones are obsolete often before we buy them thanks to upgraded models and
> healthy competition.
> Despite its advanced age, however, the HD2 is still thriving. There are
> new builds of operating systems never even intended for the device being
> ported at lightning pace. The latest addition? None other than HTC’s latest
> and greatest iteration of their Sense overlay.
> The porting work comes courtesy of XDA Senior Member 
> gilbert32<http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=3907492> and
> a host of others helping him cited in the first post. It is important to
> keep in mind that this is not yet daily driver status. Naturally, since the
> port is still having its kinks worked out, not everything works. Currently,
> the touchscreen, cellular connectivity, and data work. However, WiFi,
> Bluetooth, USB mass storage, sound, camera, video playback, and GPS don’t
> yet work. In other words, we would only recommend trying this if you know
> what you are doing and have a good backup to restore.
> If you’ve still got your hands on an HTC HD2 and would like to play around
> with Sense 5, or if you’re just a former owner looking to pay his or her
> respects to the venerable device, head over to the ROM 
> thread<http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2285744>.
> We look forward to many years of continued HD2 development here on XDA.
> shared via http://feedly.com
> --
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