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On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Hendry Aripin <mi...@e-hendry.com> wrote:
> apknya?
> sol
> On Aug 16, 2016 12:10 PM, "Andrew Ferdian" <verdy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Knock knock...
>> Papa dimana?  Mama mo ngecek...
>> ahahahaha...
>> On Aug 16, 2016 11:49, "Eko Prasetiyo" <ekopraset...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Fitur knock knock itu bisa jd blunder buat yg ga ngerti
>>> ----
>>> Google Duo arrives to take on FaceTime
>>> // The Verge - All Posts
>>> Google Duo, a new video chat app that works exclusively on phones, is
>>> getting released today. I've been using it for about a week and I can tell
>>> you that it's fast, easy to use, and devoid of complicated bells and
>>> whistles. You tap on the face of the person you want to call, they answer,
>>> and you have a one-on-one video chat going. Nobody who uses this app can say
>>> that Google didn't achieve its goal of creating a video chat app that's
>>> relentlessly, explicitly designed solely for phones.
>>> That effort is so single-minded I can't decide if it's timid or bold.
>>> First, a bit about how Duo works. It's available on both Android phones
>>> and iPhones. When you sign up, the app checks your phone number from your
>>> SIM and then sends you a confirmation text. That's the whole setup process —
>>> there are no accounts to create nor friend lists to maintain. It's tied
>>> directly to your contacts list and your phone number.
>>> That's great for simplicity, but bad if you want to use Duo on anything
>>> other than your phone. It's also unable to make conference calls, put
>>> Hangouts-style funny pirate hats on your head during a call, or offer just
>>> about any other fancy feature you might expect from a video conference app.
>>> “We thought 'amazing on mobile, nothing on desktop' was the better
>>> approach.”
>>> Duo's radical simplicity is by design, says vice president of Google's
>>> communications division, Nick Fox. "By being laser-focused on mobile," he
>>> says, "it enables us to just make sure that we were doing a great, wonderful
>>> job on that case. ... For us, we thought 'amazing on mobile, nothing on
>>> desktop' was the better approach."
>>> There is one feature in Duo that feels genuinely new: it's called "Knock
>>> Knock." When you receive a call on Android (it doesn't work on the iPhone),
>>> your entire screen starts showing the live video from your caller before you
>>> even answer. It lets you see who's calling — and lets the caller make funny
>>> faces to try to entice you to answer. Google's promo video for Duo
>>> emphasizes it heavily:
>>> In my testing, Knock Knock worked very well — and it has the added
>>> benefit of making the call start immediately. The video call is already
>>> running the nanosecond you swipe up to answer it. "Instead of the call
>>> starting with frustration and confusion, Fox says, "you start with a smile
>>> because you know it already works." I don't know about the smile, but I do
>>> know that Duo calls started without all the "Hello, are you there?" that I
>>> typically experience with most other video and audio calls.
>>> For those worried about people hijacking their screen with a video feed
>>> while they're at dinner or a meeting, a few notes to ease your mind. First,
>>> Knock Knock only works with people you already have saved in your contacts —
>>> so random people won't show up. Second, you can block a caller if you like —
>>> but take note that since Duo doesn't have its own independent friends list,
>>> blocking a caller on Duo blocks them everywhere. Last, you can turn the
>>> feature off entirely if you don't like it.
>>> Google also has done a lot of work on the back end to make things feel
>>> immediate. It's based on WebRTC, with some added technical underpinnings to
>>> make the call automatically ratchet the quality up or down depending on your
>>> connection quality. It's even able to maintain the call when you switch from
>>> Wi-Fi to cellular. After a very brief hiccup, the call just keeps on going.
>>> I mostly tested Duo on a Nexus 5X (running the latest Android Nougat
>>> Beta), where call quality was mostly good — better on Wi-Fi, but never so
>>> bad that it dropped completely. On the iPhone 6S, call quality was equally
>>> good. However, because Google doesn’t have the same ability to integrate on
>>> iOS as it does on Android, there are a few hassles: no Knock Knock, and you
>>> have to unlock the phone before you answer the call.
>>> Duo is the second of the two apps Google announced at its developer
>>> conference this past May. The other is the AI-enhanced text messaging app
>>> Allo, for which Google hasn't yet announced a release date. That's odd
>>> enough, but perhaps not as confusing as Google's overall strategy with
>>> communication apps: instead of fixing its unified solution, Hangouts, Google
>>> has opted to release two different (but slightly related) messaging apps:
>>> one for video and one for text.
>>> Neither app is designed to replace Google's other video and messaging
>>> app, Hangouts. Instead, Hangouts will continue to exist with a more tightly
>>> focused mission: serving enterprise users, where Fox says we can expect "it
>>> will increasingly be more integrated with Google Apps suite." It will still
>>> be available for consumers, of course, but those users won't be the focus of
>>> future product development.
>>> Hangouts will continue, but with an enterprise focus
>>> And Fox is also not especially concerned that Google is offering a
>>> multiplicity of communication apps. He sees Google's products as split
>>> broadly into three bands: Allo and Duo for consumers; Hangouts for the
>>> enterprise; and services that are more carrier focused — like SMS, RCS, and
>>> even the Phone app. Fox believes that consumers simply aren't confused by a
>>> multiplicity of messaging apps — whether they're made by Google or not —
>>> "People use the apps that their friends are using," he says. And he's
>>> excited to see Duo (and, later, Allo) compete with all of them head-to-head.
>>> How Duo will actually compete was (and is) one of my biggest questions.
>>> Why use Duo when Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, FaceTime, Hangouts, and any
>>> number of other options exist? Is Google going to leverage the massive power
>>> of the Android install base somehow? Will Duo be part of the standard suite
>>> of Google Play apps preinstalled on the vast majority of Android phones
>>> (outside of China)? "We haven't made decisions on that yet," says Fox. "We
>>> want to get it out there, see how it does, and then I see distribution as
>>> the next step rather than the first step."
>>> When I said up top that I couldn't decide whether Google's strategy with
>>> Duo was bold or timid, this is what I was referring to. It's not going to be
>>> the automatic default for all Android phones, replacing phone calls in the
>>> way that iMessage replaces SMS. Google isn't ready to go there just yet,
>>> which feels timid.
>>> Duo has to compete on its own merits
>>> But it's also bold. In this incredibly crowded marketplace, Google is
>>> forcing Duo to compete on its own merits. You can invite somebody to use it
>>> by sending them a text from inside the app, but otherwise the plan seems to
>>> just be to see how it is received in the marketplace. I asked some variant
>>> of "how are you going to get users for this thing" no fewer than four times
>>> in my hour with Fox, and every time the answer boiled down to this: "We're
>>> focused on building great apps that people love and distribution will follow
>>> that."
>>> I have no idea if that plan will work: sometimes boldness is just
>>> naiveté. But I can't help but respect the clarity of purpose behind the
>>> creation of Duo. It's aggressively, obsessively focused on making the best
>>> possible mobile experience for video chat, at the expense of all else. He
>>> said no to desktop, no to conference calling, no even to allowing the same
>>> account to work on multiple devices. For the Duo team, getting "mobile
>>> first" right meant demanding it be "mobile only."
>>> Duo does one-on-one video chat very well, which is what Google set out to
>>> make it do. The question now is whether or not that's enough.
>>> ----
>>> Shared via my feedly reader
>>> --
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> --
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> Install #MyTelkomsel Apps Terbaru dari Play Store
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.telkomsel.telkomselcm
> ---------------------
> Toko Headphone & Earphone Terlengkap dan Terbaru
> Kunjungi >> http://bassaudio.net
> ----------------------
> Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
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> FB Groups : https://www.facebook.com/groups/android.or.id
> Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID >> goo.gl/mL1mBT
> ==========
> ---
> Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup "[id-android] Indonesian
> Android Community" di Google Grup.
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> email ke id-android+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Install  #MyTelkomsel Apps Terbaru dari Play Store

Toko Headphone & Earphone Terlengkap dan Terbaru
Kunjungi  >> http://bassaudio.net
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
FB Groups     :  https://www.facebook.com/groups/android.or.id

Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID >> goo.gl/mL1mBT

Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda berlangganan grup "[id-android] Indonesian 
Android Community" dari Google Grup.
Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini, kirim 
email ke id-android+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
Kunjungi grup ini di https://groups.google.com/group/id-android.

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