I think having a precised understanding of the problem that the charter is 
meant to address is important.  I am having a hard time finding a technical 
distinction between a "replay attack" and the, by design, nature of DKIM's 
independence from transport details.

I have not read all the drafts, but the ones I have looked at seem to want to 
tie some aspect of a DKIM signature to something in the envelope.  I think 
that would be a 5321/5322 layering violation that would make such proposals 
difficult for protocol based systems to implement.

I think there needs to be something about not breaking the architecture of 
email in the charter based on what I've read so far, but I don't think I have 
a fine enough understanding of the problem yet to propose words.

Understanding and bounding the problem is, I think, an essential prerequisite 
to the charter.  We've seen efforts fail before due to a lack of consensus on 
the exact problem (DBOUND comes immediately to mind).

Even if there's no report, I think we should make sure we understand the 
problem first.

Would someone who's pushing for a solution please describe what's being done 
that's technically distinguishable from something like traditional email 
forwarding (e.g. using may alumni.example.edu address and then 
alumni.example.edu forwards it to my current "real" address).  By design, DKIM 
has no problem with this behavior, so I'd like to understand how to 
distinguish good from bad in this space.

Scott K

On Wednesday, November 9, 2022 12:43:35 PM EST Barry Leiba wrote:
> Is this relevant to the charter?  Do you doubt the attacks
> sufficiently that you would want to object to chartering a working
> group to address the issue?
> Barry
> On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 4:54 PM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:
> > On Wed 09/Nov/2022 13:08:15 +0100 Barry Leiba wrote:
> > > [...]
> > > 
> > > Current proposals include the following drafts:
> > >   - draft-bradshaw-envelope-validation-extension-dkim
> > >   - draft-chuang-replay-resistant-arc
> > >   - draft-gondwana-email-mailpath
> > >   - draft-kucherawy-dkim-anti-replay
> > > 
> > > The working group will start by considering those proposals; other
> > > proposals remain welcome.
> > 
> > Isn't there a report on relevant replay attacks?  All the above I-D say
> > that replay attacks are a problem.  Bron adds that the attack was widely
> > seen in early 2022.  However, there's not a panoramic view of the
> > problem, mentioning volume, scope, targets and such.
> > 
> > I know replay attacks are possible, but I never saw one.
> > 
> > 
> > Best
> > Ale
> > --
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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