On August 8, 2023 10:18:58 AM UTC, Laura Atkins <la...@wordtothewise.com> wrote:
>> On 6 Aug 2023, at 19:07, Jesse Thompson <z...@fastmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 5, 2023, at 6:50 AM, Laura Atkins wrote:
>>>> On 5 Aug 2023, at 02:43, Jesse Thompson <z...@fastmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:z...@fastmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Aug 3, 2023, at 11:08 AM, Laura Atkins wrote:
>>> A big driver of the work is actually Google. As I understand it, they are 
>>> having issues because the replay attackers are successfully stealing 
>>> reputation of otherwise good senders in order to bypass some spam 
>>> filtering. The replay attackers aren’t sending what we commonly think of as 
>>> spam through the signers - as the message is sent to one recipient (not 
>>> bulk) and it is opt-in (that recipient wants and has asked for the mail). 
>> This is accurate from my observation. It takes only a single message which 
>> evades content filters, and the attacker is the first recipient, who will 
>> not report it as abuse. 
>> Which is why an earlier "just don't send spam" comment seemed to be 
>> borderline FUSSP rhetoric. If the message isn't detected by the receiver 
>> (who has the most visibility into the type of mail its users want to 
>> receive) then how can a sender be held to a higher standard of detection 
>> with less visibility?
>I agree wholeheartedly. I just wanted to make it clear for the record that 
>this isn’t an issue of the signer knowingly signing spam and “deserving” any 
>reputation problems. 

Intent has nothing to do with it.  Reputation is what you do, not what you 

Scott K

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