On 2/5/2024 1:56 PM, Jim Fenton wrote:
nd you will also provide citations to refereed research about what you just 
asserted as well, yes?

Ahh, you want me to prove the negative. That's not exactly how these things go.

When someone says something works, the burden of documenting it is on them.

When someone says something does not work, it is sufficient to note that we have some decades of efforts and no serious documentation of efficacy.  And a very large scale example of it /not/ working, as I noted.

Bottom line: Claiming that we just need to train users better is a way of dodging any serious effort to deal with the topic.  The nature of human cognition, and the challenges of adequately encoding essential security-related information that is effective for 90% of users(*) works very aggressively against any claim that this is something that can usefully be dealt with by user training.


(*)  When someone talks about 'average' users, one has left off (at least) half the user population...

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking
Ietf-dkim mailing list

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