On May 23, 2024 6:13:07 PM UTC, John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:
>It appears that Murray S. Kucherawy  <superu...@gmail.com> said:
>>I've read the middle part a few times and I don't understand either the
>>attack or the proposed mitigation, so I think some examples might help.
>The attack requires l= and an unsigned Content-Type header.
>If Content-Type isn't signed, the bad guy can change the part boundary
>string and then add new parts with the new boundary at the end. The
>entire original message, which is all that the l= covers, is ignored
>as junk before the first boundary.
>I guess this isn't as obvious as the authors of 6376 thought since we still
>have at least one person on this list insisting that you don't need to sign 
>On the other hand, I see that the perl and python DKIM modules sign
>the MIME Content-* headers by default. Do you remember what opendkim
>does? A quick look at the code wasn't too enlightening.
>Requiring that the l= cover some minimum percentage of the message is
>helpful but not that helpful, since you could add a short part with a
>phish URL to a long message and probably still pass the percent rule.
>On the third hand, I'm looking at mail in the IETF archives from
>Verisign which has had DKIM signatures the l= tag since shortly after
>the time they switched from Google to Ironport in late 2016. The set
>of headers it signs is inconsistent. It always includes MIME-Version,
>sometimes Content-Transfer-Encoding, and never Content-Type. So we do
>have at least some examples where this bug exists.
For the Python module, my recollection is that I stared at RFC 6376, Section 
5.4.1 and made the default set of header fields what it looked to me like the 
document recommended.  I assume that since defaults are set before we know 
anything about the message to be signed, I included Content-Type since there's 
no way to know at that point if there will be an l= in the signature or not.

I'm confident I considered it enough of a corner case not to be worth adding 
complexity for.


Honestly, I think l= is an idea whose time has passed (if it ever existed at 
all).  We ought to just kill it using the simplest procedural mechanism 

Scott K

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