Alessandro Vesely wrote:
>>> 3) For text parts, completely remove /any/ whitespace.  Additionally,
>>> remove most punctuation, especially from begin and end of lines.
>> Do we really need this?  Do you know of cases related to this?
> The idea is to anticipate any unknown signature breaker.  My three
> points above are rather generic.  They are meant to be expanded so as
> to include your five points below, and more.
> I think it is quite obvious that MIME rewriting generates new
> boundaries, and may alter an entity's header.
> Non-text binary content that arrives corrupted deserves breaking a
> signature.  However, a rewriter may decode a base64 entity for local
> storage, and then re-encode it with a different line length.
> Text undergoes any kind of massage, trailing "=" may be leftover,
> CRLFs may be doubled, "From " turned into ">From ", besides the
> leading dots you mention in point five.

Why not just DKIM Signer ALWAYS  base64 a MIME message/rfc822, sign it 
and thats it? :)

>>   4 - Lines over 998 (1000 with CRLF), this is an invalid RFC5322, but
>>       its possible some verifiers are designed to do a buffered C14N
>>       and don't check for RFC5322 line lengths between two memory points
>>       in the buffer as oppose as a line by line feed into the C14N
>>       function.  Why buffer vs line?  speed.
> I imagined the C14N function reads characters one by one.  On finding
> CRLF it can go back a few bytes to remove end-of-line punctuation.
> However you code c14n(), it will be sparklingly faster than sha256().

The code can be written to do the C14N first, then do a time hash 
call, or you can do it on the fly C14N/HASH.  I use memory file maps 
to deal any potential large mail and the line parsing doesn't hurt speed.

>> and I just found a yet another problem which I was currently 
>> investigating to see where it this "mite" is occurring:
>>   5 - Incorrect handling of lines beginning with dots, for example
>>       I sent a message containing a line beginning with:
> Yes, dot is one of the punctuation characters that should be removed.

This turned out to be a bug in our beta code, revamped to support I/O 
completion ports and the code for undotting of the leading dot (per 
RFC5321 4.5.2) fell thru the crack.  So we can nix this one. :)

Hector Santos, CTO

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