On 6/23/01 at 1:05 PM -0700, Charles E. Perkins wrote:

>  > oh i agree!  the failure to start from working code
>>  is the perniscious failing of most modern IETF WGs
>I gather you wouldn't have much sympathy for problem
>statements and requirements documents that are in process
>within several working groups now.  What do you think
>about, say, progress within the AAA working group,
>which has already finished those phases?

Not to speak for Mike, but how about having this kind of work take 
place in the IRTF? It sounds an awful lot like research to me. When 
they're done with that and start writing something that looks like it 
might be code someday, bring it back into the IETF.

[Every time I bring up the idea of doing something like this in IRTF 
to IETF folks who are older and crustier than I am, I get lots of 
moans and eye-rolling, but no real explanation of why this is a bad 
idea. They seem to have a nice place and lots of space; why don't we 
just move in? It seems like the IRTF might also be a nice place to 
send some of the folks with half-baked ideas to keep them out of our 
hair, though Erik would probably be less interested in that.]

Pete Resnick <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
QUALCOMM Incorporated

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