At 11:33 PM 02/11/2000 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>What are the chances of setting up "The Next Release" of IOS
>so that for simple configs (for example, a customer backbone and
>one upstream link to a provider) the knob would automagically default
>to Doing The Right Thing?  I of course am writing as a non-expert on
>the innnards of IOS, and I'm expecting flame-fests regarding "simple
>config" and "Right Thing".
>No, it's not a total fix.  It won't fix everything.  It may not
>even be possible.  But it certainly would be nice. ;)

Something like "ip default clueless"? Just kidding. ;-)

Well, overwhelming support for any suggested default mod is
always considered. Really.

Overwhelming is the operative word here.

We (as do many other vendors, I would suggest) operate
under the "Principle of Least Astonishment": How many people
would we screw if we changed the defaults of a particular

If overwhelming community support were to set the tone for a default
change, we would certainly not take it lightly. :-)

- paul

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