At 02:20 17-02-00 , Phil Karn wrote:

>It's not because fixed addresses actually cost them more. Indeed,
>another cable modem provider in the other part of town allocates fixed
>addresses in an otherwise identical service that's $5/mo cheaper. No,
>my provider does it simply because they can. They're a monopoly in
>their service area.  Even if I could find somebody at their help desk
>who understood a request to open up their filter to my own IP addresses,
>they would have no incentive to do so.


The other cable provider in the other part of town also has Source IP
Address filters in place.  The cost of not having such filters is
too high to bear at our prices (and thin margin).  The vast majority
of users are comfortable with this.    As near as I can tell, most ISPs
(whether dialup, ISDN, DSL, or Cable) have Source IP Address filters in
place for the same reasons (i.e. controlling operational cost).

I am with those who thing that an encrypted VPN tunnel is the right answer 
to the telecommuter problem you've outlined, btw.


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