Keith Moore wrote:

> it's not at all clear to me why households need traditional multihoming,
> nor how to make it feasible for households to have it.  so I would regard
> this as overdesign of the home 'internet interface box'

Now that I've got a decent DSL provider, I've found that the least reliable
component of my Net access is the power line: my DSL just works, but the power
company has been flaking out 2-3 times a week for the past month or so.  (I
have my computers on UPSes, but your average K-Mart Box user wouldn't.)
Multihoming wouldn't solve that.

|John Stracke    | |My opinions are my own.  |
|Chief Scientist |===============================================|
|eCal Corp.      |Using strong crypto on the Internet is like    |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|using an armored car to transport money from   |
|                |someone living in a tent to someone living in a|
|                |cardboard box.                                 |

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