Apparently WAP is collapsing, both in terms of the general opinion 
of engineers and pundits, and now customer revenues.  The Invisible 
Hand needs to slap some sense into the overly-greedy WAP Forum and 
their all-too-pervasive accomplices.

Imode is far more widely used in Japan, as it is a very superior open 
standard that anyone can author and browse on any platform.  I would 
ask that everyone in the IETF who cares about these things make an 
informal personal effort to try to get cellular carriers to migrate 
towards a solution like imode.  Looking around a Google search on 
"imode" will pretty clearly show how it works.

I don't know if cellular phones cause brain damage (although perhaps 
that could explain the WAP Forum's pathetic bytecode-based rejection 
of Moore's Law), but trying to use WAP is like viewing Medusans in 
the Star Trek universe [TOS episode 60, "Is There In Truth No Beauty?" ].


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