>> joe touch and crew, please turn it off
>> Jul 15 13:01:45 roam /kernel: arp: unknown hardware address format (0x0800)
> As I said at 10:30, and will repeat, this is the result of an arp cache 
> that hasn't been flushed. An arp cache that we don't control, most 
> likely on a router that has decided to proxy arp.
> Randy - if you have evidence to the contrary, we've been waiting since 
> 10:30.

this is an engineering group.  we are seeing problems on a production
network.  your experiment has been shown to once be part of the problem.
please turn from lawyer into an engineer and turn that thing off so we
can see if part of the problems go away

from draft-ymbk-termroom-op-07.txt

       While it is tempting for a host/vendor to show off fancy
       technology at an IETF, this audience runs and uses the most
       arcane assortment of services, and is a very poor place to find
       out that your fancy new switch breaks when someone tries to run
       IPv42 through it.  Run a simple production network.  If one must
       run a technology demo, isolate it onto a separate network segment
       so that it is unable to interfere with the production network.


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