>  Dave, do you have any thoughts about how we can change the IETF culture
>  from presentation to interaction (with or without slides). This is
>  something that the IESG has been talking about, among others, but I'm not
>  sure that we've come up with any really concrete ways to provoke/encourage
>  this change.

Margaret, in general I think the issue is stricter meeting planning and
management, where the goals and process are more explicit.  Of course, good
wgs already do that.

Off the top of my head:

1. Require that the meeting have a web-posted agenda -- and really enforce the
requirement. So, this makes sure others have a chance to evaluate what is
going to take place.  No agenda a week in advance; no meeting.

2. Require that the deliverables of the meeting be pre-stated and prioritized.

3. Have the agenda include statements about how the deliverables will be met.
I guess this is something on the order of stating what the meeting process
will be.  Hence, interaction with the participants is a component of that

 Dave Crocker
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
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