At 10:02 07/06/2006, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 03:58:15AM +0200,
 JFC (Jefsey) Morfin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
 a message of 13 lines which said:

> - Appendix A - some names seem to be missing. I could quote a small
> score of them?

I do not know if there are written rules about the "Acknowledgements"
or "Credits" section in a RFC. It seems quite variable between the
RFCs. I am mentioned in draft-ietf-ltru-matching-14 for what I regard
as a very small contribution and not in RFC 4408 where I feel that my
contribution is more substantive.

Dear Stephane,
This may seem trivial, but IMHO quoting every contributor is important for several key reasons.

- the IETF is made of paid and free volunteers. The reward of the free participants is their exposure. If we want top quality participants we must acknowledge their contributions. - every contribution can be a key stone in the final construct. That people like Michael Everson, Ned Freed, Lee Gillam, John C. Klensin, Felix Sasaki, Michel Suignard, and Tex Texin are not quotted seems odd. Others like Scott Hollenbeck and Sam Hartman really helped. What about Karen Broome, M.T. Carrasco Benitez, N. Piercei? Inputs or help from Brian Carpenter, Ted Hardie, Dylan N. Pierce are real. - the IPR is to all the co-authors. Every person having contributed a word, a concept, a change, positively or negatively is a co-author. This also has some importance to show the document is not the work of an affinity group (as discussed in RFC 3774) but of a true WG. - I consider BCP 47 went from an initial error to a technical split of the International US Internet from the Multilingual Global Network. We now need to insure interroperability between them two (for example MGN will accept "en-EU", IANA not). Afrer the PR-action, this calls for many experts to accept this is a true IETF proposition. jfc

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