--On Thursday, March 18, 2010 10:15 -0400 Andrew Sullivan
<a...@shinkuro.com> wrote:

> John,
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 10:01:26AM -0400, John C Klensin wrote:
>> Interestingly, a few mechanisms for handling that sort of
>> narrative and organizing information were extensively
>> discussed several years ago. 
> Thanks for this.  Do you know whether any of this got as far
> as being written in an I-D, or was it just a discussion?  I'll
> go trolling for expired I-Ds if I know they might be out there.

:-(  It was a whole WG, about four or five years ago, with many
drafts and a good deal of discussion both within the WG and on
the IETF list.  Search on "newtrk" generally and for
draft-ietf-newtrk-isd-repurposing for perhaps the best-developed
proposal that went in the "narrative and normative information"
rather than the "cataloging" one.  Disclaimer: I was an author
of that spec and have some biases about it and how it was

> Another idea that's been floating around has simply been to
> put up a wiki to support all of this, and do it all as a kind
> of non-normative support function.  What worries me about that
> is the (IMO strong) chance that such a wiki would be badly
> maintained, but would gain currency because of its
> convenience.


>  But maybe that doesn't matter too much: if we
> can't be bothered to maintain such a resource, then either
> making our stuff easy to use isn't important to us, or we don't
> actually care about conformance as much as we say we do, or
> both.

While that ("both") is close to my conclusion from the newtrk
meltdown, I assume others disagree.



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