On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Margaret Wasserman <m...@lilacglade.org>wrote:

> Hi All,
> Within the IETF, it has become common to use the term a "A Modest
> Proposal..." as a title for actual proposals for process change within the
> IETF.  This causes some cultural dissonance for me, personally, and  I want
> to make sure that people are aware of the origin of this term, and the
> potential for misinterpretation of proposals that are titled this way.
> It is not my intention to criticize Hadriel, or anyone else who has used
> this phrase.  I am sure that no one who has used this term has intended to
> be offensive to me or to anyone else.  I am not personally offended, and I
> am not looking for an apology.   I just want to make sure that people
> understand how the use of this term resonates with  me, personally, and
> potentially with others.
> The original article by Jonathan Swift, titled, "A Modest Proposal...",
>  was a satirical suggestion that widespread famine and poverty in

Note that he did have the sense to publish it anonymously.


> Ireland could be addressed by the Irish selling their children to the
> wealthy as a source of food (http://art-bin.com/art/omodest.html).  This
> was a very loaded article that made an outrageous proposal, clearly not one
> that was meant to be taken seriously.  This article has been interpreted in
> many different ways, though.  Despite the fact that the article may have
> been intended to be supportive of the Irish cause (by satirizing England's
> indifference to Irish poverty and famine), the article was, nonetheless,
> highly offensive to many Irish people for a number of reasons.  Although i
> can't personally see it, I have also been assured that the article is
> uproariously funny.  Whether you find the article offensive or humorous,
> though, "A Modest Proposal..." is a culturally charged  reminder of a very
> difficult time in Irish/English history, an
>  d the term is likely to evoke complex feelings in people who are still
> culturally sensitive about that topic.
> So, if you are making a satirical, uproariously funny suggestion that you
> do not intend to be taken seriously, but that might be misinterpreted as
> incredibly offensive to all parties involved, then "A Modest Proposal.."
> might be just the right title...  (Although you might want to think twice
> before you hit "send" :-)).
> But, if you are making a serious proposal for how to improve things in the
> IETF, I would personally feel more comfortable, and therefore better
> disposed toward your suggestion, if you would not use the term "A Modest
> Proposal.." to describe it.
> You are, of course, free to use any title you wish for your own
> proposals...  My only purpose in sending this mail is to educate people who
> might not be aware of the history of this particular phrase, so that they
> might have a better basis for deciding whether or not to use "A Modest
> Proposal..." in the titles of their own proposals.
> Thank you for listening,
> Margaret
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