On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 11:09 PM, Brian E Carpenter
<brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2011-09-21 05:44, Olaf Kolkman wrote:
>> The Trust would need to commit to allowing these advisors to join their 
>> meetings too. But that can be done in other ways than the Trust Agreement.
>> (so yes, I agree with this line of thought)
>> Obviously this all assumes there is a consensus for changing the I* chairs 
>> role
> ...exactly. I'm far from convinced about that. I think the real need is to
> figure out how to make the IAOC an Oversight committee rather than it getting
> involved in executive decisions, and to figure out how to make the IAB an
> Architecture board instead of getting involved in administrative matters.

I'm new to this level of innerworking in the IETF, and a bit more confused
after this thread.

I did ask what was the core problem sort of and got two excellent answers
but none of the convinced me that the draft/proposal at hand are the right
answer to an obvious problem.

However, Brian's suggestion above looks like a better road ahead since it
get closer to the core of the problem, the workload and address that.


Roger Jorgensen           |
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