
On Sep 21, 2011, at 7:59 PM, Olaf Kolkman wrote:

> On Sep 21, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Bob Hinden wrote:
>>> It is important for the I* chairs to be connected with the community.
>>> It is important for the IAOC to be connected with the community.
>>> It is important for the I* chairs to be informed about what is happening in 
>>> the IAOC
>>> It is important for the IAOC to be informed about what the I* chairs find 
>>> important.
>> Yes, but I don't understand your point.  We get that today with the current 
>> makeup.  Your proposal breaks these links.
> Oops..I did not finish the paragraph.

That makes more sense :-)

> Retry:
>>> It is important for the I* chairs to be connected with the community.
>>> It is important for the IAOC to be connected with the community.
>>> It is important for the I* chairs to be informed about what is happening in 
>>> the IAOC
>>> It is important for the IAOC to be informed about what the I* chairs find 
>>> important.
> I claim that the first two items are independent of I* chairs being voting 
> members of the IAOC.
> I also claim that for the third item there is no necessity for the I* chairs 
> to be a voting member, nor for the fourth. That said, I am sensitive to the 
> argument that if I* chairs are members they may actually pay more attention 
> (human nature and such) and that being effective at those item without being 
> a member is tough.

I theory I can agree, but in practice I think the more separation there is the 
more likelihood for organizational problems.  The point I am trying to make is 
that there needs to be close coordination between the IESG/IAB/ISOC and having 
a responsible person (currently the chairs, there are other possibilities as 
outlined in some other emails, XO model, etc.) taking voting responsibility is 
the best way to implement that.  It won't happen if it's just another person 
the, for example, the IESG appoints as your proposal sugests.  Likewise, I 
don't think having the chairs be non-voting members will work because the 
chairs are too busy for this to work over time.


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