On Sep 23, 2011, at 10:04 AM, Bob Hinden wrote:

> I theory I can agree, but in practice I think the more separation there is 
> the more likelihood for organizational problems.  The point I am trying to 
> make is that there needs to be close coordination between the IESG/IAB/ISOC 
> and having a responsible person (currently the chairs, there are other 
> possibilities as outlined in some other emails, XO model, etc.) taking voting 
> responsibility is the best way to implement that.  It won't happen if it's 
> just another person the, for example, the IESG appoints as your proposal 
> sugests.  Likewise, I don't think having the chairs be non-voting members 
> will work because the chairs are too busy for this to work over time.

I do not yet see how the other proposal, which is about diluting responsibility 
over more person, will keep the persons that end up being chair better 
informed. But that is because I have not seen the details. Remember that my 
proposal started out with allowing the chairs to delegate. In a way the 
alternative proposals may be subject to the same critique.

I am also not 100% sure that close coordination between the IESG/IAB/ISOC means 
that the chairs need to participate in each others meeting. It might be much 
more effective if they have a meeting among each other to exchange high-level 
information and 'heads-ups'. 

--Olaf (keeps listening)

Olaf M. Kolkman                        NLnet Labs


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