On 23 Oct 2011, at 18:28, Loa Andersson wrote:

> Nurit,
> I'm in the same situation, but part of the argument is right.
> If we do one North America, one Europe and one Asian meeting
> per year; places like Minneapolis and Phoenix is cheaper regardless
> where you come from. That is if you compare with high end cities
> like SF, NY AND DC. ALso places where you need an extra hop to get
> there.

+1 for Minneapolis and Prague.  Relatively large travel hubs, good venues and 
cheap hotels. But I understand the need to spread the venues. I recall reading 
thelatest attempt to secure an Asian venue led to Vancouver?

Perhaps WG chairs may consider more seriously not holding WG sessions if the 
agendas are very light?  At the very least that might solve the Friday problem.

But a lot is always done out of WG sessions too, which is hard to put a value 

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