On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Lorenzo Colitti <lore...@google.com> wrote:
> It seems to me that approximately 30% of the non-biolerplate text in this
> draft discusses DNS whitelisting. (And in fact, in its original form the
> draft entirely on DNS whitelisting - hence the filename. The rest was added
> later.)
> Whitelisting is a practice relevant to a few large websites (since nobody
> else is using it). It so happens that the websites that employ this practice
> are going to stop using it, all together. Given the cost and implications,
> I'd say practice is unlikely to be resurrected.
> So, you decide to tell the whole story, and talk about whitelisting *and*
> World IPv6 Launch. Or you can decide that whitelisting will soon be
> irrelevant, and not talk about either whitelisting or World IPv6 Launch. But
> you can't talk about whitelisting without talking about World IPv6 Launch,
> because if you do, your document is missing the key piece "how do you remove
> the whitelist", and that's a disservice to its readers.
> To be more specific, at least section 5.5 ("it is unclear how implementers
> will judge when the network conditions will have changed sufficiently to
> justify turning off DNS Resolver Whitelisting and/or what the process and
> timing will be for discontinuing this practice") is now incorrect. It *is*
> clear, and it's what those implementers are doing as part of World IPv6
> Launch.
> Does that make more sense?

Or, the way I read you, you tell us that this entire document isn't
relevant anymore.

It cover something called whitelisting that were in use for a short
periode of time for reason no one in a few year can understand as


Roger Jorgensen           |
rog...@gmail.com          | - IPv6 is The Key!
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