On Mar 8, 2013, at 5:33 PM, Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:

> On Fri, 8 Mar 2013, Jari Arkko wrote:
>> The IETF meeting is beginning on Sunday. I'd like to welcome everyone to the 
>> meeting! This blog highlights some of topics that I find most interesting in 
>> the meeting:
>> http://www.ietf.org/blog/2013/03/welcome-to-ietf-86/
> Is someone going to update the IETFers iphone app? It still does not
> have the sculed in it :/

I have no idea, but this reminds me….

A huge, heartfelt thanks to whoever wrote it -- it makes life much much easier…


> Paul

Some people are like Slinkies......Not really good for anything but they still 
bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.

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