On 29/04/2013 20:39, Sam Hartman wrote:
For what it's worth, I'm not finding the current discussion is providing
me useful information for making decisions.  It doesn't really matter to
me whether the problem is selection of WG chairs or selection of
IAB/IESG/IAOC after WG chairs are selected.  I think it is valuable to
attempt to improve both situations in parallel, and the sorts of
conclusions being drawn from the statistical discussion we're currently
having cannot possibly change my opinion on that issue.

I'm not saying that my mind is closed to being changed; simply that I've
considered all the possible conclusions that I think could be drawn from
the analysis being considered and from my standpoint they don't affect
how I'd feel about various proposals that could be brought forward.

Which I guess speaks to John's point that I at least am a member of the
community who doesn't think the hard statistical analysis is useful


Why would you disregard a statistical analysis? That seems akin to
disregarding the fundamentals of science and engineering.


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