On 06/09/2013 04:19, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
On 06/09/2013 15:08, Ted Lemon wrote:
On Sep 5, 2013, at 9:36 PM, Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> 
I'm sorry, I don't detect the emergency.
I think we all knew NSA was collecting the data.   Why didn't we do something 
about it sooner?   Wasn't it an emergency when the PATRIOT act was passed?   We 
certainly thought it was an emergency back in the days of Skipjack, but then 
they convinced us we'd won.   Turns out they just went around us.
Tell me what the IETF could be doing that it isn't already doing.

I'm not talking about what implementors and operators and users should
be doing; still less about what legislators should or shouldn't be
doing. I care about all those things, but the question here is what
standards or informational outputs from the IETF are needed, in addition
to what's already done or in the works.

There is a whole bunch of stuff we can do to make transit traffic less observable.

In other words we can modify things so the only think you know about a packet is where it is going, not what it is or who it came from.


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