On 9/6/13 4:47 AM, Adam Novak wrote:
> On 09/05/2013 08:19 PM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>> Tell me what the IETF could be doing that it isn't already doing.
>> I'm not talking about what implementors and operators and users should
>> be doing; still less about what legislators should or shouldn't be
>> doing. I care about all those things, but the question here is what
>> standards or informational outputs from the IETF are needed, in addition
>> to what's already done or in the works.
>> I don't intend that to be a rhetorical question.
>>       Brian
> One way to frustrate this sort of dragnet surveillance would be to
> reduce centralization in the Internet's architecture. Right now, the
> way the Internet works in practice for private individuals, all your
> traffic goes up one pipe to your ISP. It's trivial to tap, since the
> tapping can be centralized at the ISP end.
    And all our security is based in single points that are easy to abuse.


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