Dear Scott,
Thank you for your advice. 
Q) I assume that your second solution allow different S02 values for each 
I'd like to be more specific about my obtained results, 
At reference state (that means without any applied current), the amplitude 
reduction factor was 0.77At 20% charge, it was 0.6740% charge = 0.6660% charge 
= 0.6380% charge = 0.68full charge = 0.67  Most of the fitting parameters were 
reasonable and the result well corroborates with previous study (papers) from 
other group (but I'm not sure about the value of the amplitude reduction factor 
as there were little information about it).  
Kind Regards,HOON

Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 07:23:53 -0400
Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] Inconsistency of the amplitude reduction factor

Hi Hoon,
Using a reference value is not always a good idea, because experimental effects 
can play a role. 
BUT, S02 should not change during charge-discharge on a single sample, or a 
series of samples prepared and measured similarly. Instead, it's likely 
something correlated with S02 in the fit is changing, and so the fitting 
routine is getting a bit confused and attributing part of the change to S02. 
(That's not a knock on the fitting routine; it doesn't know any better unless 
you tell it!)
I think the best recommendation is to do a simultaneous fit on multiple 
spectra, constraining the S02 to be the same for each. So you're still fitting 
S02, but forcing all the spectra to use the same value. 
Second best is to fit one spectrum and allow S02 to vary, and then constrain 
all the other fits to use that value.
--Scott CalvinSarah Lawrence College
On Sep 18, 2014, at 7:06 AM, HOON Kim <> wrote:Hello, 
I am a bit confused about the amplitude reduction factor (S0^2), in a sense 
that whether this factor must be determined by fitting or constrained by a 
reference value for a specific element. I'm dealing with a cathode composite 
(for lithium-ion battery) comprised of two crystal phases. During 
charge-discharge, the amplitude reduction factor changes and at a certain state 
of charge (SOC) it changes a lot  such as from 0.77 to 0.67. My understanding 
is that it may reflect the phase transition of the material into the amplitude 
reduction factor. But, I'm not sure ... I need advice on this. 
Thank you !
Kind Regards,HOON_______
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