
I have written a custom function that calculates pagerank from an adjacency 
matrix (based on the solution in 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PageRank#Algebraic , where I change the column 
vector of ones to personalization vector) and compared it to the igraph version 

  *   they give identical results when there is no personalization
  *   if I use personalized and all vertices have at least one outgoing edge, 
they still give identical results
  *   However, if I use personalized but some nodes have no outgoing edges, 
then the results differ.

I wonder the reason why the results from my implementation differs from that of 
igraph? Thanks! Here is the code:


# Create an adjacency matrix for illustration:
  n_nodes <- 5
  adj_mat <- matrix(nrow = n_nodes, ncol = n_nodes)
  adj_mat[2:3,1] <- 1
  adj_mat[3:4,2] <- 1

  adj_mat[is.na(adj_mat)] <- 0

# Create a vector for "personalization" (called pers_vec)
  a <- rbeta(n = n_nodes, 1, 1)
  pers_vec <- a/sum(a) # I want "pers_vec" to sum up to 1.

# Create igraph object, calculate personalized pagerank
  g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_mat, "directed", diag = F)
  pr1 <- page_rank(g, "prpack", directed = T, personalized = pers_vec)$vector

# Create custom pagerank function based on this solution: 
  page_rank1 <- function(adjmat, d = 0.85, personalized = rep(1, n_nodes) , 
    if(n_nodes == 1){
    } else {
      # create "i" identity matrix
      i<-  diag(n_nodes)
      # create "M" column-stochastic matrix where columns sum up to 1
      M <- t(adjmat) / matrix( nrow = n_nodes, ncol = n_nodes, 
rep(rowSums(adjmat, na.rm = T), n_nodes), byrow = T)
      M[is.nan(M) | is.na(M) | is.infinite(M)] <- 0
      # Use the algebraic formula from wikipedia
      pr <- solve(i - (d * M)) %*% ( ((1-d) / n_nodes) * personalized)
      # Normalize so they sum up to 1
      pr <- pr/sum(pr)

# use the custom function on the adjacency matrix:
  pr2 <- page_rank1(adjmat = adj_mat, personalized = pers_vec, n_nodes = 

# They don't give the same results

# BUT:

# When we make sure that all nodes haveat least one outgoing edge,
  # the functions give identical results

  # add outgoing edges to node 1 and node 5
  adj_mat[1,2] <- 1
  adj_mat[5,3] <- 1

  # recalculate
  g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_mat, "directed", diag = F)
  pr1 <- page_rank(g, "prpack", directed = T, personalized = pers_vec)$vector
  pr2 <- page_rank1(adjmat = adj_mat, personalized = pers_vec, n_nodes = 


# Same is true when pageranks are not personalized, for both versions of the 
  # (even when not all nodes have outgoing edges)

  # e.g. delete the edges of node 1 and node 5
  adj_mat[1,2] <- 0
  adj_mat[5,3] <- 0

  # recalculate
  g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_mat, "directed", diag = F)
  pr1 <- page_rank(g, "prpack", directed = T)$vector
  pr2 <- page_rank1(adjmat = adj_mat, n_nodes = n_nodes)


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