> That being said, after your question, I set the probability of navigating
> to other nodes from a node that has no outbound links to the
> personalization vector. That doesn't reproduce the igraph result either.
There's also a third option: if there are no outbound nodes, stay at the
same node with probability equal to 1-damping, _or_ navigate to a randomly
picked node accoding to the persionalization vector with probability equal
to damping. Sorry for not being too precise here; the thing is that igraph
is using an external library (PRPACK) to calculate personalized PageRank
scores, and I only managed to track the code to a point where I am
convinced that we are passing down two  vectors to PRPACK; one is a uniform
vector, and the other one is the personalization vector submitted by the
user. Based on this, I would assume that PRPACK uses the personalization
vector when the random walk is reset, and the uniform vector for a random
teleport (after all, why would PRPACK need two vectors if it used the
personalization vector for both cases?), but I did not manage to track it
down further because PRPACK contains at least six different solvers,
optimized for different use-cases, and I did not manage to figure out which
one it would use in your particular case. But I'm pretty sure that the
discrepancy between your results and ours is due to some corner case in the
handling of sink nodes.


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