dear linux users across india,

looks like ilug-delhi is rolling with plans to build a "flash mob"
supercomputer sometime this month or next month.

people will be invited to bring in their pcs, whether linux or windoze
boxes, and plug it into a high-speed LAN. a bootable live distro of
gnulinux that allows clustering, will be used to boot the pcs and make
them into nodes.

our first, on-the-fly, supercomputer.

this event will doubtlessly make news, and make history.

more details about this can be found on the linux-delhi mailing list

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Archives at:[EMAIL 

would be really exciting if Linux User Groups across india also get into
building flashmobsupercomputers in their areas.

let's start this race.
1) which ilug is the first to make the flash mob supercomputer
2) who builds the fastest
3) who has the largest number of nodes.
4) how would these compare to india's fastest supercomputers?

this will be so cool! we'll have supercomputers being built on weekends
across india.

remember to call the local press in your area to the event.


ilugd mailinglist -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives at:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

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