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On 07/14/2004 03:04 PM, vivek wrote:
| On Mon, 2004-07-12 at 10:44 -0700, Rohit Kumar wrote:
|>hi there....
|>i tried to configure the TATA INDICOM connection on windows, you would
|>not need the cd's installer..
|>here are the settings/parameters that i set on windows 98(without
|>running the setup)
| here the talk is going on about tata indicom on linux and not on
| windows. if yu've some experience in doing the same on linux or if yu've
| tried it (doing the same in kppp or wvdial or xisp or whatever) and have
| succeeded then let us know. that would be a help. using it in linux is
| the difficult part as officially (as per their customer care), they
| don't yet support it on linux. how yu install it on windows doesn't make
| a difference as whoever who's doing it on windows will be using its
| installer cd so everyone knows that it is possible and achievable

Actually, this does help a great deal, thanks Rohit. Atleast i now know
that i dont need that CD and based on the info from your email, one
should be able to get this working in Linux, i will try and report back.

I tried it on windows yesterday and it didnt work, i spoke to the call
center and they needed to 'activate' it on my phone, which will be done
in 2 days ... what the ^%#$ ? So i find out tomorrow.

Rohit whats the normal download speed you get ? I am not interested in
latency for this connection, simply downloading and uploading files so
throughout is what i want,

- - Ankur.

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