--- Sandip Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Vivek, can you please reconsider and work along with
> the original team

 I have infact started working again on creative dot. 

 As for sponsoring issue here is the sequence of
events    reconstructed from the emails on creative in
my mail box

1) Tarun Dua has volunteered to provide space for
2) Niyam promised to give Tarun credit for providing
web space.
3) Tarun said he is giving space to linux delhi and he
will have no problems even if his name appears no
where at all.
4) Nowhere any sponsor's name was raised. Everyone
thought Tarun is giving space on "his" webserver.
5) I was assigned the task of designing, implementing
and maintaning site.
6) When site was almost ready tarun requested to niyam
that he wants to put up a footer message specifying
who provided hosted space. Niyam promptly agreed and
said that he has no problems in giving credit to Tarun
in providing hosting space.
7) I asked tarun about the footer message.
8) Tarun sent a footer message which said "hosting
sponsored by XXXX" and link to XXXX website. When i
clicked on the link it turned out to be a website of a
compnay which has nothing to do with web hosting and
were concerned with linux migration. So i asked tarun
to clarify why link to some sponsored site, as i was
strictly told to give credit to contributors only and
nowhere any "sponsor" was discussed.
9) Tarun sent no clarification to me or Raj. When i
asked him for delay in reply tarun said he will reply
to Niyam directly.
10) Niyam told me that he has specified to Tarun that
only link to his website will be put up as he had
volunteered for the space. If he has any problems then
we will move creative to some other server.
11) Niyam gave me a go ahead to announce creative.
12) After i sent emails for announcing creative Tarun
suspended the website saying that issue is not
13) Rest is discussed on mailing list.

 Now i dont know when did Sudev came into picture.
Tarun says he is voluteering for space and he got
sponsors. Sudev says his venture is providing webspace
and he has ordered Tarun to withdraw the hosting
offer.  This thing is beyond my comprehension whos
server is it btw.

 Also, if we accept the offer from Sudev/Tarun (dont
know who is the real guy behind providing space), we
have no control over website (as mentioned by sudev in
his last email). This is not acceptable to me atleast.

 I have said it all and will not be replying to this
thread anymore.

 I am working on redesigning creative with another
volunteer who has given webspace.


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