>This is interesting, I had this question for a while ?
>I am not sure what the exact redhat licenses and protection is ? Are the 
>cd's protected, ???
>Redhat, it seems,  takes money not for the software but for the setting 
>up, maintenance and updates.
>So what is to prevent any one from redistributing a) the Redhat itself 
>and b) the updates when they come
Red Hat clearly possesses exclusive legal rights to Red Hat Enterprise 
Linux, namely the exclusive legal right to distribute RHEL in binary 
form, and most importantly, the accompanying exclusive legal right to 
pass along the ISV certifications associated with the RHEL binary 
distribution. Red Hat uses a legal vehicle, a cleverly crafted license 
it calls a subscription agreement, to enable it to possess these 
exclusive legal rights in a product that can continue to be marketed as 
open source.

Best solution is not use Redhat or fedora (Lab Rat for upcoming RHES) or 
some Vendor supported Distro .....Move 2 Debian ...I had lot of issues 
with Redhat/fedora now after moving to Debian I am happy Debian user 
.....I have moved all my development servers to Debian testing .....with 
automatic updates and about 11000 thousand and well tested OS ....I am 
now tension free :-)

>and if they so have such strong anti copying mechanisms what makes them 
>different from Microsoft ?
>Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
>>John Marder wrote:
>>>Vivek, when you say that "you cannot make copies of RHEL operating
>>>systems"..do you mean there are legal obstacles (ex. piracy issues) or
>>>are you referring to technical problems (such as cd's being copy
>>>protected etc.)? In case it's the latter, i'm sure somebody must have
>>>cracked the scheme and posted the details online.
>>It is a contractual violation. I am not sure how they can prevent GPLed
>>packages from being copied, but there is such a legal requirement.
>>- Sandip
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