hassath wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 12:25, Pankaj kaushal wrote:
> If there is a result-less discussion, maybe you could take more
> responsibility for it- you too are part of this list. What a typically
> privileged attitude -" Oh, nothing comes out of these discussions!" If
> you saw it as being in your interest, if you took ownership, you would
> try and get things to change.

I am trying to stay out of it, but you are insistent on having a flame
war by taking cheap dig's at me. The statement which I made and so
rakishly used by you in your every post, was a result of these very
fruitless discussions. However, I am trying to be in this discussion
because I hope that this time it will not be result less. You are not
helping matters tremendously.

> As for "not dwelling into the nature of society at large"- i am sorry, i
> am incapable of seeing things in isolation and closing my eyes to larger
> connections- and i do not see it as a failing.

Neither am I a student of sociology or culture, and nor do I have the
necessary knowledge to "dwell" at this point of time thus, I will not
dwell into the nature of society at large. It is a big question and many
have spent their entire life on the quest which still remains unsolved
and mysterious at best. It does interest me, but to publicly regurgitate
a popular notion or quote focualt is not my style. My understanding of
gender inequality, marginalized communities, religion and sexuality is
not in accord with that which is popular or that which is taught and
this is not the right forum to discuss it. If you are interested we can
take it off-list.

And by "dwelling into the nature of society at large" in public, all we
are doing at the moment is sitting around agreeing that there is an
issue but none of us is actually suggesting anything that can be *done*
to resolve it. I suggested one step only to be a target of mudslinging.

Alas, even today there's little worth thinking and saying that does
not grievously wound the state, the gods, and common decency.

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