> What is a "delhi wiki" anyway?

Yes. What IS a/'the' Delhi Wiki, Kenneth? The idea of
information exchange is to centralize things, not have
each person set up a wiki. Before you go ahead and
announce yet another wiki at http://site/wiki - do
check up and see what options already exist. 

The ones I'm aware of -
-Lug Delhi Wiki
-Linux-Delhi CMS has a module of that sort
-twiki running on linux-delhi.org

> it with original content. I termed it an unofficial
> wiki, because it didn't have 
> the "official' sanction of the "people".

I'm not sure what you mean by official sanction of the
people. It could be as simple as putting a link on to
the  IRC channel. A link on the linux-delhi front
page. A couple of emails about the wiki being used for
purpose X. What IS purpose X? - Perhaps the e-zine? 

What we *should* do is propagate the fact that the
lug-delhi wiki a user contributed knowledge
storehouse. The twiki on linux-delhi could be used for
LUG activities, such as project planning et al.
Something like the freedel wiki, except that freedel
is on a larger scale. Hereon, every thing which needs
to be put  up goes on to one of the two places.

The question isn't of gaining official sanction, its
of gaining momentum with the masses. Talk about how
you can REACH the masses. Chances are, that apart from
say 20 people in ILUGD who've been around long enough,
not too many have heard of it. Make them aware of it.
How? Things mentioned above should be a good start.


Viksit Gaur           

viksit at aya dot yale dot edu

Just because you have a mind like a hammer doesn't mean you should treat 
everyone else like a nail - Terry Pratchett

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