--- Shakthi Kannan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That should not matter. 

Oh? So you put something up without knowing if its
ever going to be used at all?

> group or wiki, which the Indian community (that I
> have seen) at large
> are not exposed to,

Really? Which 'Indian' community are you talking
about? Wikis are by far the most popular means of
putting up information on the internet, more so than
most other CMSs around. People know and have worked
with them - and even if not, its no rocket science.
Assimilation of information and putting it to use
depends on whether people have real NEED for it. Which
is what we were trying to establish in the first

> It is also *essential* for the members to
> guide/advocate to the
> newbies about the user group and wiki.

Uh yes. Why don't you provide further steps on how we
could possibly do that? Put them up on a wiki, maybe. 

> Trust me on this one.

Golly, I *just might*. But only on this one.

> 1. Documentation.
> 2. Resource/event planning.
> 3. Announcements.
> 4. Information.

Yes, You've hit the nail right on the head. Reasons
for usage. Establish those, and the wiki usage will

> > The wiki is going to go nowhere unless a
> > lot of users begin to use it to do things.
> Not really.

"Using it do things" includes reading it for whatever

> but, when we start, we start

Lets just start first. And then decide whether its a
big start or a small start.

-- Viksit

Viksit Gaur           

viksit at aya dot yale dot edu

Just because you have a mind like a hammer doesn't mean you should treat 
everyone else like a nail - Terry Pratchett

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