On Wednesday 04 April 2007 15:13, Gora Mohanty wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 14:49 +0530, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
> [...]
> > OK, guys I have some bad news. I talked to the Continue people
> > and they have told me that they can't release the source (or give
> > it to me) at this stage, all they can do is host the app for us
> > at Brown Univ.
> [...]
> Is it really unacceptable? I don't see why that cannot be an option
> if Continue is really so great (have not had the time to evaluate
> it for myself). I would see this as the easiest option.

Continue has some features that we do not need (the voting system, 
e.g.) and probably lacks tons of features that we need.  As an 
example (note for nit-pickers: this is an example!), it only supports 
submissions in PDF whereas we'd like to encourage submissions in open 
editable formats that can be re-used by others.  Please also look at 
the feature list in my previous mail -- Continue lacks ways to 
capture a lot of the information that we need.

> [snipness occurred]

Time to take these discussions to the freedel mailing list.  Please 
follow up there.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://kandalaya.org/
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