Thanks for the responses all. Lots of threads, lots of
people, I'm going to mix and match responses here.
Mine begin inline, with a ==

.. I am unsure of your objection. Logically, being
freed doesn't mean that you
are forever free. You still run the risk of being
enslaved again...

== We haven't been freed. Yet. I'm not going into what
happens after! Really, with all the effort there is
about FOSS, it might have reduced costs and helped you
with better alternatives and given you choices in what
you want to use, but really, it hasn't really freed
people completely. You've still got your shackles on -
albeit different ones - whether it be unable to find
drivers for your graphics card, or setting up a
bluetooth device to "just work". Nope, we've got a
long way to go before we can talk about having been
freed. And perhaps the conference can embody this.

The point does arise - is this Freed as in Gratis or
Freed as in Libre? I think that the logo for the event
should make that clear in no uncertain terms. Free as
in speech or beer? (See tagline comment later on)

Anyway, attend the meetings if you have an interest in
the reasoning behind
ilugd decisions - it's open to all GNU/Linux users, we
welcome inputs, and all
proposals can be questioned/modified etc...  

== As much as I'd like to, I find it impossible to do
so, given the size of a couple of sizeable water
bodies which impede my journey.. Perhaps the other
thread which Gora started will help out in this case.

3. we wanted to move on from the very localised
regionalism of Delhi embodied by
the "del" part of "freedel". But still acknowledge our
regional bias loosely. So
we could hold freed in Nepal, freed in Bangalore,
freed in Thailand etc. Don't
forget, we have "Bangalore chapter" of ILUGD ;-)

== Fair enough. And no, I don't forget - I was one of
the *cough* 'founding members' :)

6. The concept of freedom is bigger than that of
Linux, or even GNU/Linux to
most of us. So we might push the creative commons
concepts too (at least the
"free" CC licences that have resulted in sites like for
knowledge, for music etc).

== Hmm. So the focus is going to be towards everything
free, not just software. At some point, that will want
to encompass rights, DRM, and other EFF/ACLU promoted
causes. Do we want to tackle that beast? I would shy
away. So again, Gratis vs Libre et al.

this is not a good idea. The Indian foss community is
very allergic  
to anything that aspires to All India Status. First
establish freedel  
in Delhi - that has not been done yet, then worry
about going all  
india. One thing we have learnt in the last 10 years
is that the  
strength of the Indian foss community is in the
regional bases. We  
must strengthen those.

== I think that most conferences which are organized
today _are_ in fact through the participation of
people from all over the country - or freedel.
So yes, I agree that removing del from the name makes
some sense. As for regional bases, now that we know
(from apparently a 10 year experience) that they're
strong, its time to perhaps combine them together and
strengthen the national ethic?

I don't know if the (constitutional type) of rules of
ILUGD say that
ILUGD should be about Linux rather than GNU/Linux.

== Erk, lets not go down this road. There are months
of threads on the list which talk about this. 

I'm interested in the free as in freedom part of what
ILUGD is about. The
impression I get is that ILUGD tends to be heavily
focussed on the free as
in freedom part.

== Each to his own, surely?

So there is indeed a religious bias in ILUGD against

== Interesting to see how you would draw that
conclusion based on your your impressions! Bias? Not
in so many words, imho. A certain itch perhaps.

>> But still acknowledge our regional  
>> bias loosely.

== Now, what exactly does that mean?

Me and some others regard the extra freedom of the BSD
style licences as being
analogous to the granting freedom to a plantation
holder to own slaves, or
perhaps granting freedom to the religious authorities
to burn non-believers at
the stake in an auto da fé.

Just because a freedom is there, doesn't mean you
should seize it. Some
things are immoral, even if you are free to do them.
So those immoral things
should be specifically restricted.

== Erm. As analogies go, that has to be one of the
most superfluous I've ever seen. If someone releases a
license like that, they are doing 
so with full knowledge of what it implies. If you
think its immoral, just don't use it! That option's
still yours isn't it? And there are worse things out
there than BSD licenses you know. Software patents
perhaps. DRM. Rattlesnakes. 

..a non-free platform initially. But once you have
truly free alternatives
available, it is wrong to promote non-free works..

== Who defines the concept of universal "Wrong" here?

[Skipping Off Off OFF Topic GPL vs BSD debate]

..dictate) would be to go with Freed as long as most
(see comment on
democracy) of us feel that this does represent most
(see comment on
democracy) of the views...

== Fair enough.

>In my opinion, both of you have looked only at the
name, and not the
>associated tagline: Freedom in technology and

== I did see that. But you see, thats the *tag line*.
When you design a poster, Freed stands out. The tag
line isn't exactly that visible at first pass. But
anyway, I can see how that would help. Logo change
incorporate this too? That way, we could aim at say,
OSS or the wider version of freedom.

>you guys derive the idea that the name says that what
we are
>talking about is a one-time thing, nor how it implies
that we have
>already achieved software freedom.

oh I see what you mean. That we were freed in 2007? :)
Not at all!


Viksit Gaur           

viksit at aya dot yale dot edu

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everyone else like a nail - Terry Pratchett

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