On Monday 02 July 2007 11:34, PJ wrote:
> Scanning MTNL's ip space, I noticed with a faint sense of horror that
> a script kiddie could DOS MTNL's service pretty thoroughly in the
> space of about half an hour, since most of MTNL's modems allow wan
> access and have a default username/password combination. Other
> details are then available, which will apparently allow a cracker to
> abuse the victim's account.

Ah, but the question is, can you connect to my MTNL account from a 
different MTNL number?  I haven't tried it, but if they have a bit of a 
clue they should only allow logging into, e.g. the 23456789 PPP from 
23456789 and not from 98765432.  Has anyone tried this?

> Allegedly MTNL doesn't use caller ID as part of its authentication.

Hmm, that seems to indicate that you CAN connect to any account from any 
phone.  Scary.

> If this is true (I find it hard to believe this), then MTNL is being
> inexcusably negligent. Of course, MTNL doesn't have much incentive to
> stop this, since they just pass the bill on to users (and if the user
> doesn't have an unlimited account, too bad).
> If this is not true, then the crackers who are using cracked accounts
> are likely being naive idiots.
> So another tip for users is:
> Make sure you have all WAN services disabled in Management->Access
> control-> services to avoid this sort of abuse.

Or just use the modem in bridge mode, which is what I've been advocating 
all along.  In bridge mode the modem doesn't have an external IP at 


-- Raju
Raj Mathur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://kandalaya.org/
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