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Hi Sudhir,

Since you have brought up the subject of FUD, I'd appreciate it if you 
would clarify some aspects of OpenLX.  This would be of immense benefit 
to both you and the community, since we can then lay the question of 
whether OpenLX is FOSS or proprietary to rest once and for all.

Queries inline...

On Saturday 15 September 2007 17:19, Sudhir Gandotra wrote:
> [snip]
> Vikas, check it for yourself, instead of asking/believing in anyone.
> The code is there on the website to download.
> Many people have their own hidden agenda and hence their FUD. See it
> for yourself.

On your web site it states that OpenLX is the ``First Enterprise Grade 
GPL Linux from India''.  In this line does the word ``GPL'' refer to 
the GNU General Public Licence?  If it doesn't, please ignore the rest 
of this e-mail, just clarify what GPL refers to.

On the other hand, if the GPL on that page actually refers to the GNU 
General Public Licence, then I have strong doubts whether your complete 
distribution is covered under that tag.  Please note that software does 
not become ``GPL'', nor ``Free software'', nor ``Open source'' just by 
virtue of running on a Linux kernel.  Each package has its own licence 
associated with it, whether proprietary or FOSS.  I would guess that 
it's nearly impossible to make a usable Linux distribution using only 
GPL software -- you'd have to exclude packages like X, Apache, Perl and 
PostgreSQL for a start.

However, even if you (mistakenly) refer to all FOSS packages as GPL, if 
you have included any proprietary packages or software at all in the 
distribution, you would be committing an error by calling the 
distribution ``GPL'' or ``Free software'' or ``Open source'' or 
``FOSS'' or ``FLOSS'' or any other name that gives the impression that 
the distribution is a FOSS distribution.  This list of packages and 
software includes any proprietary drivers for cards/chipsets, Flash 
player from Ad*be and any other software included in the distribution 
that is not released under a licence approved either by FSF or OSI.

Would appreciate your clarifications so that we can end the FUD and get 
a true and clear picture.  Specifically, the questions that I'm 
requesting you to answer are:

1. Does the GPL in the OpenLX tag line refer to the GNU General Public 

2. Are all the packages in the OpenLX Desktop Edge v1.0 released under 
the GPL?

3. Are all the packages in the OpenLX Desktop Edge v1.0 released under a 
FOSS licence (i.e. one approved by the FSF or the OSI, or both).

4. If not, what are the packages in the OpenLX Desktop Edge v1.0 that 
are not released under a FOSS licence?

5. If OpenLX Desktop Edge v1.0 contains any non-GPL packages, will you 
remove the GPL from the tag line referred to above?

6. If OpenLX Desktop Edge v1.0 contains any proprietary software, will 
you avoid referring to it as ``GPL'', ``Open source'', ``Free 
software'', ``FLOSS'' and ``FOSS'' or any word or phrase that gives the 
impression that OpenLX Desktop Edge v1.0 is a FOSS distribution?  Of 
course, you could continue to state that large parts of it are FOSS, 
but in that case I'd suggest that you also specify that it contains 
proprietary software, in the interests of completeness.


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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