I secondly agree to Kenneth, the environment in the list is not conducive.

People's attitude about small-2 questions being asked, HOWTOs, questions
about other linux distributions like SLES or RHEL are poorly treated to such
a level that, person, might not ask any question again after that... :(

lately i found even some person even strangely asked "How, Microsoft abused
its dominant position.." is related to linux ?

I am sure, there are more than dozens people in the list, who mostly replies
like ask Novell, ask Redhat, read the RTFM etc, instead of, if they don't
want to participate, if the topic not of much of their interest, just ignore
that.. don't provide such comments which could embarrass the sender.

What about people using devices such as digital camcorders or digital
cameras with linux? I am sure you can't discuss such things in ILUGD! There
are other GNU/Linux lists in the world where people do't hesitate to discuss
anything about GNU/Linux, no matter whatever directly or indireclty it is
related to GNU/Linux or FOSS.

I believe what we can discuss, what we can't, is this list only for Linux
OS, that too only like Debian? need to be properly defined at the ILUGD
website and if possible define a one liner in the bottom of every message.

Secondly we need to be more flexible in accepting emails of whatever type
relating to Open Source, GNU/LINUX, etc and remove the obligations such as
tagging the subject of the messages to [OT], [commercial], refrain sending
warnings to the OP.

Being a member of ILUGD fior more than 8 years, i know few of the people out
there and i keep on, i don't mind. But what about the newbies? :)

I believe yes, the online participation is decreasing, we need to be more
open and flexible to discuss a revolution in software such as Open Source or


On 10/26/07, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 26-Oct-07, at 2:06 PM, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
> > Anybody else dismayed by this? Any theories?
> heavy handed admin. If you check the two biggest mailing lists in
> India - chennai and mumbai, and you find that there are no
> moderators. Sure, threads go offtopic, flames rage, but there is no
> killjoy to dampen the spark. People are terrified to post here -
> there was even a case where someone asked where the tutorials were
> taking place in freedel and he was told to rtfm. And any suggestion
> for improvement is met with a post from Kishore invoking the
> notorious 'ilugd rule'. Take the latest freedel conference (or the
> previous one) - it was a mega flop. Audience on the second day was
> about 50 (including speakers and volunteers). First day, in each case
> was about 200. OK, lets call it 500. 500 in the capital of the second
> largest country in the world? One reason for poor attendence is that
> it was held in JNU. JNU is an elite institution, and hence not a
> place for FOSS. My experience in the last two years is that elite
> institutions are the last place where you can go for innovative ideas
> and talk about freedom and sharing. Strangely enough, although there
> was a huge debate about where to hold the next ilugd meeting, The
> committee, without any debate, has decided to hold the next edition
> of freedel in JNU - a place without a LUG. RKGIT and JIIT have LUGs -
> and hugely enthusiastic members. So why are they ignored? Anyway, as
> far as NRC-FOSS is concerned, we will not send a team to freedel
> unless we are assured of a double digit audience for our talks and
> stalls.
> As far as the lack of traffic on the ilug lists is concerned, ilug
> was shot down by atul chitnis long ago. Since atul and raj have now
> made up, it is just a question of the other big dadas in the foss
> movement joining them to make it viable - srs, idg, gn - are you
> listening?
> --
> regards
> Kenneth Gonsalves
> Associate, NRC-FOSS
> http://nrcfosshelpline.in/web/
> _______________________________________________
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Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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