On Monday 24 November 2008 01:03:01 Linux Lingam wrote:
> dear all,
> virtualbox is a GPL-ed software.
> a binary closed-source version of the same software is available as
> freeware with added features.
> i can't understand how come this is not a violation of the terms of
> the GPL, specifically modifications must also be released under GPL.
> the authors do claim they may eventually roll the enhancements in the
> GPL version.
> take a look here:
> http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Editions

It's dual licensed, that's why -- like Qt, MySQL and so many other software 
are? Wouldn't make it a GPL violation.

Anyway, most distros provide the OSE version in their repository and works 
fine. Never felt the need to download the non-OSE binary. 


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