On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Anupam Jain <ajn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well that's my point about informality. Meetings should be just
> meetings with a specific agenda but without presentations and
> presentors. A BOF meeting like that can be very successful with
> anywhere between 3-10 people.

Well that seems like a excellent idea ! Let's do it .However , if you
need this meetings to be successful , these *3-10* can't be same
people that are there always for years !, The meetings currently see
same people with different hairstyles every time !, We need different
people for different BOF's , Everybody can't be present every week !

> Agreed. I say we throw around a whole bunch of ideas on BOF meeting
> topics, gauge interest and hold several of them every month. A few
> topics (off the top of my head) that I am personally interested in
> right now. Hold a BOF and I'll be there (schedule permitting) -
> 1. FOSS document sharing and publishing. Especially an alternative to PDF.
> 2. Any web dev topics PHP/RoR/Python, AJAX, anything.
> 3. FOSS platforms suitable for embedded systems. OpenMoko, Android.
> Embedded Forth/Erlang/Scheme/Python.
> 4. FOSS Functional programming. Haskell, Erlang, Scheme.
> 5. Foss alternatives for shared Calendars, shared code development,
> shared todo lists, milestone and task management.
> 6. What's up in Ubuntu/Debian. Ubuntu 9.04.
> 7. Gnome roadmap. Gnome translations into local languages. Getting a
> better user experience in Gnome (install Thunar, AWN, and global menu
> bar!)
> 8. What's up with Firefox? What's up with Chrome? What's up with
> Epiphany and Dillo?
> 9. New advances in Javascript engines. V8. Tracemonkey.
> 10. FOSS based massive information management. Search engines.

Great list !, Anupam as you are continously in and out of delhi ,
Would request you to choose one day when you are present in delhi and
formally (in a informal manner) announce this BOF meeting on that
day!, Let's do it and guage the number of participants , Let us know
if you need our help in any manner.

With Regards
Gaurav Mishra

- Media Redefined -
" A social media branding & consulting studio. "

# Web: http://www.mediaredefined.com
# Blog: http://www.gmishra.com
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# Phone: +91.9911264089

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