Hi Sijin,

>>>>> "Sijin" == Sijin M Stephen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Sijin> Hi group...  All the group 's discussing seems to be
    Sijin> installing linux..  popularising it..  i guess.. it's just
    Sijin> one of the agenda..

    Sijin>   Isn't there areas where linux can make advancements
    Sijin> without being popular..  I think this group has to
    Sijin> concentrate on such areas also.. like the areas like
    Sijin> embedded systems where linux's used so widely ..
    Sijin>    What's the harm in exploring all possibilities.. while
    Sijin> still concentrating in the current task- linux in schools ?

Dude, you know the rules: if you want to start a project within
Linux-Delhi, go right ahead and start it!  Find a couple of people who
think the same way as you, get some momentum going and then ask the
group for what you need.  In other words, ideas aren't enough, you
have to be willing to carry them through :-)


-- Raju

    Sijin> Sijin

Raju Mathur          [EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://kandalaya.org/
                     It is the mind that moves

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