On Sun, Aug 25, 2002 at 05:19:31PM +0530, Sudhir Gandotra wrote:
> Hello friends,
Hello Sudhir,

> The discussion reached a point: Are we a group for everything under the
> name/aspects of Linux, or, are we a free software group restricted to
> free and open software - even if it not on linux and could be in
> windows. For example, the point raised was : We could discuss an open &
> free software on windows but not a commercial software on linux.

I am in support of discussing/using/propgating 'free software'
on Windows, Mac OS , Sun or whatever platform but I am not confortable supporting or
discussing 'closed source software'.

Mac is a completely properietry hardware does that means people dont port
linux to it? why should someone not port GTK to windows. 
> The response from Raju was : "If this group (DLUG) is ging to be
> anything but a "free software group", I will resign from the group and
> may even form a separate one". His response had supporters and also
> those who do not like this kind of division, but, as usual, he and his
> ideas prevailed - specially because those who did not support this idea
> of his, decided to remain quiet and let the discussions be completed
> properly and in a positive atmosphere.

I dont think that was the case, The discussion was healthy and neither Raju 
nor any of his 'supporters' try to impose any decisions on anyone. All that 
was asked was a question "is this a free software group or a group of puerly
technical Linux Enthusiasts?"

The decision to leave the group is entierly anyones personal one if tommarrow 
Mr XYZ say 'I won't be a part of DLUG anymore' you cant drag him to the meets 
or force him to remain subscribed to the list.  

> Just like Raju is clear on his thinking of this being a "free software
> users group ", I and some others are clear that, in that case, we need a
> separate "linux users group", because linux is not just about "free
> software" - it is much more than that, it is about freedom, freedom for
> users, freedom for developers, freedom for software business, freedom
> for eveyone involved in any way with IT - and perhaps even for those not
> directly involved with IT.
> For me, Linux represents the eternal quest of human being for freedom
> and is not restricted to IT.

how does closing source to your software represents the eternal quest of
human being for freedom? I am zapped please elaborate. 

> For me, I certaily respect the ideas of "free software", but that does
> not mean no to commercial ineterests in software.
> The group can surely decide to be "free software users group ", but then
> there will be freedom to others like me to form a separate "linux users
> group" and this new group will be free to take up linux to aeas beyond
> those of the "free software".

Please dont confuse "Commercial" with "Proprietory". I make money out
of writing "free software" and supporting "free software". I dont see
how the only way of making money out of software is "closing source".

$you = new you;
honk() if you->like(perl);

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