On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 12:23, Richard Stallman wrote: 
>     What good are the proposals which won't survive a no-holds-barred discussion.
> If "no-holds-barred discussion" means assuming an unlikely worst case,
> that is not a fair test of any proposal.
These are usual responses that such a proposal is likely to get from GOI
bureaucrats and similar scenarios as discussed may really happen. 
However lets "defeatist" approach and look at the issue on its merits
The assumptions behind this proposal 
1) Taxation will tilt the balance in favor of FLOSS.
2) FLOSS will not get hurt because its free
3) When the government gets the money it will use it to further FLOSS.
4) FLOSS is not happening merely because the Commercial Software
Industry is killing it through use of un-ethical means
5) Government money will help pay for development of FLOSS and then
FLOSS will be "happening"

See the various posts in the two lists(ilugd and linux-india-general)
where all these assumptions have been demolished thoroughly and so are
their cause and effect relationships.

The original purpose of the proposer has been lost in the whole
To provide freedom of choice to not choose the non-free OEM bundled
software with the PC hardware

Tarun Dua

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