hi tarun.

thanks for your response again, to the open letter.

> Right on the point.
> 1) Stick to taxation on OEM bundled software alone and not on all FLOSS +
> COTS software.

why not all software? much simpler to implement. soon people will start 
bundling software in bundles, much like microsoft office. so who's gonna 
bother unbundling those? just charge a flat charge, and let the new market 
forces decide.

> 2) Taxation on OEM bundled software will make the price determination of
> OEM bundled S/w easy.


> 3) Refunds can be now enforced for rejection of EULA and a certain
> percentage of S/w bundle's cost should be added to the refund towards the
> cost of uninstalling the bundled software.

duh! who pays this refund cost? why? keep it simple.
bundle, you pay excise. unbundle and sell, you pay excise. period. FLOSS sold 
for a price, pay excise. FLOSS sold for zero price. pay excise = 0. life gets 

> 4) Or better still force the OEMs to provide the offers without bundled
> Software.

in the words of sanjeev ghane/gupta, that's public policy. i like his 
clarification and look at it from a fiscal policy decision.


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