On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 23:43, Dhruv Gami wrote:
> What is a key-signing party ? If many people on linux-delhi have 
> gpg/pgp keys, then maybe we should have one in the next meet. I remember 
> there being a key-signing party a couple of years back when Raj had given 
> a talk on GPG. I was too young to understand all that then, but now i 
> realise what all he was talking about.

Found a manual for organizing a key-signing party ..

From the document :
"This document describes the protocol and methods for holding and
participating in a PGP Key Signing party using the GNU PGP
implementation, GnuPG. It gives an explanation of key signing protocols,
answers frequently asked questions, and explains how to go about
generating your own keys as well as signing other's keys."


Ishpreet Gill
www  : www.ish.fortunespace.com
GnuPG: www.ish.fortunespace.com/gpg

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