Hello all -
I'm running 8.22 ... over the last 3 weekends, our logs just "stop".
I've had isolated complaints that mail stopped but know that others
are getting it, so it may just be a spam filter issue for those people.
I looked this AM and our logs ended Sunday at 9:32AM. No error
message to finish out the log. No full hard drive. It just abruptly stopped.
I checked in the IMail Administrator and it showed the service was
running (didn't check "Windows Services", should have). I stopped &
started from within iMail Admin and the log was instantly created and
recording information.
I've checked the Windows Event Viewer and nothing relevant anywhere
near the time that the service may/may not have choked.
Has anyone seen this before? Any suggestions? If I'm just losing
logs, that's not great, but if it is a symptom of something worse,
that's even more troubling.
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