On 11/9/05, Jerod M. Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Even better:
> http://www.servertastic.com/store/product.asp?numRecordPosition=1&P_ID=125#prices

There is a web host named Crystaltech that has a variety of dedicated
servers available.  They have a unit available for $79/month --
admittedly a basic config -- that includes a SmarterMail 50-site
license for free as part of a variety of included goodies.

What you wind up with is a dirt-cheap dedicated mail and statistics
server (they include SmarterStats as well).  Add in ASSP on the front
end and you have a free antispam gateway as well.  I was skeptical of
them at first but I have been managing dedicated boxes over there for
several different clients for well over a year and its a for-real deal
on a good connection.

Janitor, MSB Web Systems

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